Lockdown Week 17 In Review

I wake up. I release chickens. I feed them.

I walk in the house. I am faced with a smiling, toothless six year old wanting breakfast. I feed him.

The dog hovers about around my feet whilst I make scrambled eggs for child. I feed her.

I go outside and every plant in my mum’s garden looks up through limp, leaved eyelids. They whisper wilted stories of scorching days and sad dry soil.

I put down my coffee, go and get the hose. Water them.

This is my life, it seems.

Feeding things to keep them alive.

In between that some other stuff happens here and there, but mainly, my life as an adult and parent seems to revolve mainly around feeding other living things with my time, energy, attention, food, water, love, thought and care.

 This can feel exhausting (especially when your kids aren’t at school and they need a whole lot more time/attention/input and yet your other work-projects-stuff also need attention). And that’s why it’s so vitally important to feed ourselves too.

It’s why I do fitness training. It’s why I journal. It’s why I spend as much time as possible in the woods and in nature. It’s why, this week, I’ve also started to go in the sea as the negative-ion returns are extremely good on the feeling-front. (Google negative ions and you’ll see what I’m on about).

And this morning, whilst refuelling my tank on a certain beach I love, I saw something that utterly brimmed my bowl.


As many islanders know, the White Tailed Eagle has been reintroduced to the Isle of Wight after being nearly wiped out during Medieval times. If I’m honest, I’ve never expected to see one of the few birds that were released here a while ago. I certainly wasn’t expecting it this morning.

But there is was, hovering in the sky, close enough to show its fan of feathers at the base of each wing and spiralled gracefully on the thermals. It was huge and breath-taking and well, felt like such a gift to see.

A beautiful, unexpected moment that has capped Lockdown Week 17  … and soul food at its best.

Anyway, here’s my week 17 in review.

Sending love. x

Sitting and watching this little dude and his big brother playing under the sprinkler.

Powering out illustrations for Rebel Beauty.

Hill running past these ladies.

Made cake.

We added 6 fat, red, round cherries (as Reid is 6 years old).

They weren’t on the ingredient list, but that is what happens when the adult cake maker doesn’t follow instructions and is compelled to add big colours and shapes to everything she makes.

Having an actual mud fight with Clare.

Funniest thing ever.

She had mud streaked down her face and in her mouth (but her hands were so muddy, she couldn’t do anything about it) … which made it even funnier.

We emerged from the sand dunes like two Neanderthals and picked our way down to the sea, much to the horror and surprise of a family with very young children who were digging in the sand.

Rinsed off the mud and sea swam in this paradise.

Stood around in my mother’s garden. Watering plants. A lot.

Mooched around in farmland with the dog.

Spent a lot of time at our new kitchen down at Castlehaven.

Journaled daily.

Sea swum here.

And leapt out of the sea to try and capture a pic of the eagle.


The childhood abode.

One of my top-most beloved soul-sisters, Naughty Nordbruch.

Chatting to my daughter, Pix and knowing she is good and well.

Sleeping well.

Fresh food from the garden.

Bird song.

Long days.

Strength returning.

Major energy crash at the start of the week.

Reid not wanting to go to school – which was understandable after months of not being at school.

Solo parenting whilst Ads is working 24/7.

Juggling my work and being a mum.

Little bouts of loneliness. (I’ve had this since I was a kid. Now it comes at specific times in my monthly cycle so I know it’s linked to hormones, so I am less triggered by it but still feel it.)

Spacious week of flow.

Daily sea swimming with Reid.

Fossil hunting.

Midnight new moon sea swim.

Handing over the Rebel Beauty illustrations to the editor and designer.

A little bit of time to develop an idea of something I’d like to do.

Starting my Fresh New Journal. #journallover

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