New World Week 22 In Review

 This month I stripped my life back to the bare bones because I wanted to work out my next phase – particularly in response to what has happened with Covid-19 and the lessons this has brought to the table.

I was aiming to:

Work out how to fully align my talents with my work in a potent way that makes me happy and gives value to others.

Distil lifelong dreams into practical steps that are actionable, because time waits for no one  and the world is changing fast.

Expand and deepen my family’s world; geographically, mentally, artistically, socially and educationally. 

This week the dots started to connect.

A can of potential opportunity opened its fizzling lid.

A terrible, beautiful, life-changing conversation happened and something pretty cool has started.

I’m gonna say no more at the moment. After all, we all know that talking about it jinxes good magic.

But what I will say is that the revelation happened in the regretful aftermath of an impromptu late night, too much wine, rantish conversations and a dirty midnight kebab. Which proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, that debauch nights are the perfect fodder for roses to grow … as opposed to sitting on a beach making notes in one’s pretty journal and gazing out to sea.

Sending love and wickedness and fizzling cans of god knows what to anyone who need some action (life action).

Here’s my week in review:

Intensely lucid dreams EVERY NIGHT this week.

Subjects included: Rome, curses, a gypsy, being held hostage by a woman with a baby, saving the baby, being given custody of said baby, Catholic trinkets sold in a roadside stall, my old primary school and a beauty contest judging the attractiveness of some bare, naked feet.

C’mon dream interpreter’s.

Gimme what you’ve got!

*Note* I did not dream of hot air balloons. This is a photograph that my talented mother took of  some hot air balloons this week. I used it as a pic because it represents the fiery, vivid nature of recent night-time shenanigans.

Words gathering.

Ideas forming.

Laptop open more often.

Lunch with a friend at Castlehaven.

We were talking about mindful eating and she taught me how it is done when you go on a Vipassana Retreat. She showed me how to listen to your body for the “MOOOORE” monster (think Cookie Monster), how to put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls, how to chew slowly and with poise, then how to then take your next mouthful with intention.

I. Have. Never. Done. Something. So. Hard. In. My Life.

Turns out my More Monster is a voracious animal.

It chewed very thoughtfully and mindfully, yet when said friend went to toilet half way through the meal, the More Monster threw down its eating utensils and tipped most of the bowl down my throat.

Clearly some work required here.

Usual beach trips, but this time with the dog.

She hates the water.

But occasionally she needs cooling down.

This was one of the cool-down days.

Hit all of my deadlines for Rebel Beauty. We go to print on September 6th.

Completed my coaching article and managed to get it (and the above illustration) off by the skin of my pearly whites.

Drank coffee with Adam and talked about The Idea.

Made notes on what The Idea is going to require.

Felt high levels of wonder at how pinning down a fabulous life goal suddenly allows you to put everything you’re doing into context. Annoying chores become injected with purpose. Your actions become aligned with something so awesome that you can’t help but feel motivated.

I even tidied the house.

Crazy golf in crazy heat with Ads, Roo, Red and the boy’s buddies.

Early morning beach soirees with one of my besties.

Naughty Nordbruch making me watch Louis Theroux documentaries when I should be tucked up in bed.

Coffee and luxury hot chocolate with Pix, my daughter, who is now the best barista in town.


Learning how – after 20 years of crumpled messes in my cupboards – how to fold a fitted sheet. I know. There are no words.

The Nanny McPhee style hangover that triggered the life-changing Idea and then snuck off with her carpet-bag and left me with a carpet-mouth but an uplifted spirit and happy heart. Horray!

Nightmare son who forcefully nags me to go surfing in 11 foot waves on a rocky beach and expects me to be okay with that.

Getting up and getting out running.

Mosquitos. Everywhere.

Finding time to do things I need to do … then having to have quiet words with myself about how that time will come Very Very Soon.

Trying to change things on my website but having no idea how to do it. Spending a lot of time peering at the screen closely like I need glasses, when in fact, I don’t.

Learning that a very lovely lady who I was deeply fond of, has passed away. She was too young. Too full of life. It’s shocking when those people die who are so very full of life.

Experiment further with the More Monster and seeing if we can come to an arrangement.

Completion of an art commission.

Dedicate time to the online illustration course I am doing.

Begin to look at how I can schedule time to write as the boys return to school.

Dog walks.

Visits to Pix and her coffee machine.

Create the final batch of copy for a website I’m doing some writing for.

Whatever is on your wish list, I wish you a brilliant week ahead. Xxx


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