The World Needs Your Dandelions


(My) First ever Vlog is below.

It’s about the excruciating vulnerability that comes part and parcel with bringing your art, gifts, heart, message to the world.

It’s about how to switch feeling that vulnerability into focusing on gorgeousness value so that you can find your audience and they can find you.

I’ve added a resource sheet below the video. To access it just right click on the picture and it should give you the option to save as a jpeg on your desktop. Then you can simply print and imprint your ideas upon it.

Here we go:

The World Needs Your Dandelions

Your luck is in!

My children were generous with their non-demandingness and I had time to create a lovely downloadable resource to go along with this vid.

Simply right click, press Save and then print and use.

If you liked this post please share with your friends. The more we can help everyone bring their value to this world, the more beautiful this world will become.

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