Sunday Sage: Your First Three Things

Years ago a client said to me, “Every morning we each do three things.

Maybe we hug our partner.

Maybe we check our phone.

Maybe we lie there and count our blessings or maybe our curses.

Maybe we hop straight up and put our trainers on to go running …

But everyone always does three things. One of my three things is to look at my vision board.”

I loved this idea of Three Things.

Since the idea was introduced to me, my Three Things have altered and changed and evolved. At the time of the conversation, I didn’t have baby Reid. Back then my children were both at primary school and didn’t catch buses or need to be dropped off somewhere before the clock hits 7am.

Leap forward in time and my AM routine ten years from now will have changed again.

Countless studies have been conducted, and books written, about the importance of what we do even before breakfast and how this can set us up for a day of productivity and happiness or the opposite.

Just like that secret place in between Christmas and New Year, the time before breakfast is a precious opportunity to start afresh. According to the statistic makers, this little gap of time, we experience more self discipline, overthink things less and are generally more present.

This makes the Three Things Before Breakfast the perfect time to design a self-caring, Sage-Inspired morning routine.

Because my lovely girl Aysha has to get a super early bus to school, I need to be out of the house by 6.50am. This has really served me as now I get up at 6am and before anyone else is awake, I go downstairs and light to wood-burner.

I make us both tea.

I might do a little Yogic stretching if I’m feeling like an Enlightened Being.

More frequently, I will just sit on the sofa – and enjoy – one moment of suspended peace where no one is calling “Mum?Mum?Mum?Mum?”

By the time Aysha emerges and is ready for school, I’m set up for my day.

By the time I come home, Reid is standing up in his cot shouting, “Mum? Milk? Mum? Milk?”

And I am READY.

What’s your ideal Sage Morning?

How can you align your morning routines with the qualities of gorgeousness?

How could you begin your day differently?

At what time?

With who?

Consuming what?

Making some tiny shifts at this point in your day can have huge benefits on your day as a whole; your mood, your energy, your focus, your output.

If you accept this invitation and make some shifts in your day, please do share them on the Grow Your Own Gorgeousness Facebook page!

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