Step Over The Bridging Gap

Life Design Action: Step Over The Bridging Gap

Requires: These free printable pages by Bethan

Does not require: Boxing Day sales, New Years Resolutions or self improvement Regimes


It is an interesting little gap of time between Christmas and New Year, don’t you think?

 A handful of days can be spent lounging around inside, watching TV, nesting down in presents and Quality Streets. Some people go back to work for a few bitty hours. Others (who still have the drive and money to spend), head out to the shops to pick up Boxing Day bargains and plan their New Year Celebrations. I am still trying to understand those who go out and start buying all the cut-price items for NEXT YEARS Christmas. I can’t even begin to think about that!

For me, the bit of time between Boxing Day and New Years Eve feels magical. It is like a No-Mans-Land of days that lots of people seem to discard with the boxes and labels and left overs from Christmas Day. Yet, draw closer to these days and a kind of magic can be found.

It reminds me of the time a baby spends in utero; a womb-like period of quiet that is secretly the foundation of the next twelve months to come. How we choose to spend those days is how we step over the Bridging Gap and this time will fashion our experience, setting us up, one way or another, for the next cycle of time.

The House of Bethan

Over these few days I often feel the instinctual urge to get outside and stretch this body.

Breathe in the musky smells of woodlands and the underworld storm air.

I want to run, get my lungs aching, feel my body coming alive after sitting cross-legged for so long.

Then, back at home I want to pause, reflect, be still after the clamour of the festive madness.

At some point I’ll get the children the children will happily sit down to write their thank you letters.

And I’ll sit to write my thank you letter to 2013.

The House Of Bethan

Does that sound cheesy? Writing a thank you letter to the past?

It sounded a bit cheesy when I wrote it.

Strange how having a sense of gratitude, or a positive mind set or giving thanks can come across as being cheesy when you write it down. Thing is though, by having a sense of gratitude for what we have been given, naturally opens the door for life to give us a whole new level of abundance and prosperity.

The House of Bethan

Prosperity comes in many forms; as people, friends, laughter, fruit trees, happiness, small adventures, creative ideas and trust.

I really believe that showing gratitude for what has passed is almost more powerful in creating a life of Gorgeousness than setting resolutions for what you want to come

What would you like to thank 2013 for? The more things you can recognise and give thanks for – the better.

The House Of Bethan

If you right-click on these pictures, you can save them onto your computer, print them off, snuggle up with a cup of tea or coffee and say your own thank you to the year that’s passed. After all, your 2013 was completely unique – a creature that will never walk this earth again.

The House of Bethan

Takes a few moments to recollect all of the little dreams and hopes that have come true in the days that have been and gone …

… the introductions, the goodbyes, the lessons learned from people we never thought would show up as they have and those who didn’t show up, but we learnt from anyway …

The House Of BethanWondering and thinking,

“Who have I become as a person this year?

How have I grown? What have I stripped away? What have I given?”

And once you’ve answered your questions, you can keep your pieces of paper and fold them into your journal. Or you could put them in the log burner and release them in smoke to the sky.

Or you could just hold them in your hand and send a massive “Thank You Gorgeous LIFE!” out to your world.

The House Of Bethan

Whatever you decide to do, it will be PERFECT.

Thank you so much for all of the times you have visited this House in 2013.

Thank you for all of your comments and thoughts and love and connectedness wherever you are in this world. And wherever you are reading this – whether its in warm sunshine, or late at night or first thing in the morning with this December storm lashing at the trees outside your window – from my house to yours …

 I wish you an amazing Bridging Gap to the next bit of our Big Wild Earth Adventure!

With huge love.


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