Ideas ….

For things to do when you are meandering in the country all on your little todsome.

Step over crumpled chicken wire fences and take time to write poetry whilst on the dusty ground of a cabbage field. There are all sorts of beautiful daisy-type flowers growing in cabbage fields and their stems have these blue-green fronds that look almost like seaweed … If the chance ever rises to do this, I’d highly recommend it.

Close your eyes and just walk …

Swaying a bit … believing your feet will guide you and feeling the sunshine on your face. If you hear a gentle “whirring”, a cyclist may be careering towards so it is best to open one eye and peek.

Never allow an intriguing gate to pass by, especially if it all looks wildly abandoned. This is where the fattest, juiciest black berries will be found. You’ll also find little verges that no one has appreciated for a hundred years and if you use the grassy verge as a cushion as you sit, it will feel loved. And it’s always good to share the love … with everything.

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