
Category Archive for: "Change your life"
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Order New Lego

Life Design Action: Order New Lego. Requires: Personal responsibility. Intelligence. Creativity. Does not require: the same Lego bricks you've been using until now...

Seal the Deal

Life Design Action: Seal the Deal. Requires: finishing power, hand shakes and full stops. Does not require: wax stamps, contracts or signatures...

National Straight Talking Day

Life Design Action: Celebrate National Straight Talking Day. Requires: Words, courage and an opportunity (we make our own opportunities). Does not require: Angst, aggression, bottling up feelings, holding in or wedge building...

Take The Plunge

Life Design Action: PLUNGING. Does not involve toilets. Or sinks. Or Wonder Bras. Does involve courage, deep breathing and mild insane pro-activity...
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Contact Bethan

If you'd like to know more or request a call back, please email Bethan here.